Systematic Reviews and Meta Analysis
6. Türkiye’de Çevrimiçi Psikolojik Danışma ile İlgili Yapılan Araştırmaların İncelenmesiSystematic Reviews and Meta Analysis
20. Okul Öncesi Dönem Matematik Eğitiminde Sayı Kavramı ile İlgili Ulusal Lisansüstü Tezlerin İncelenmesiSystematic Reviews and Meta Analysis
22. 4-5 Yaş Çocukların Duygu Düzenleme Becerileri ile Anne-Babalarının Kabul-Red Düzeyleri Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesiGazi University Gazi Faculty of Education Journal (GUJGEF) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes original research articles, reviews, and compilations in theoretical and applied fields related to education. As the publication of Gazi University, GEFAD has been continuously published since 1985 and aims to contribute to the field of education by creating a platform where scientific developments in Turkey and around the world can be followed. The journal, in line with its founding purposes, is committed to making scientific contributions to the field of education by providing high-quality, research-driven content.
GEFAD is a free journal where qualified scientific studies that have the potential to address the development and issues of the education system meet the readers. It aims to serve the creation of an education system in the 21st century that allows every individual to acquire the knowledge, skills, and competencies they need, while supporting high-quality research in both theoretical and applied fields. The journal also publishes academic works that offer practical and tangible solutions to issues at all educational levels, from preschool education to higher education, and contribute to the professional development of teachers, educators, and academicians.
GEFAD is published three times a year, in April, August, and December. The Editorial Board of GEFAD has the authority to publish special issues on specific topics if deemed necessary. Articles submitted to GEFAD can be written in Turkish or English, with both a short summary and a long summary in the language not used for the article. GEFAD follows the APA style for in-text citations and references. Submitted articles must not have been previously published in another journal or submitted for publication elsewhere.
Articles submitted to GEFAD are scanned using a plagiarism detection program. The Editorial Board accepts a similarity rate of up to 20%, and articles with a similarity rate higher than this are directly rejected. Additionally, an article may be rejected without undergoing the review process if the Editorial Board or the Field Editor decides that it does not comply with the GEFAD article template or if the paper does not meet the required standards. The process includes an initial screening, followed by peer review, and publication of articles that receive a positive review.
Authors must complete and sign the "Copyright Transfer Form" and send it along with their articles. By submitting the form, the copyright of the articles is transferred to Gazi University.
Research articles and review papers in the fields of Educational Sciences and Field Education, reflecting the results of studies, are published within the scope of GEFAD.
In line with its objectives, the focus of the Gazi Faculty of Education Journal includes:
Providing solutions to the issues teachers face in their professional lives and contributing to their development.
Examining educational problems at the preschool, primary, secondary, and higher education levels, and developing solutions.
Investigating the theoretical and practical issues of educational policies in Turkey, exploring their development, and bridging theory with practice.
Researching the problems and development of all stakeholders in education at all levels (students, teachers, parents, administrators, academicians, publishers, education planners, etc.).
Analyzing current international education systems and comparing them with the education system in Turkey.
Studying the impact on students' individual, educational, career planning, and professional and social development at all educational levels.
Developing and evaluating new educational models.
Investigating the integration of technology in education, exploring new approaches, and developing innovative strategies.
Interdisciplinary studies.
Developing and testing educational measurement tools through the creation and adaptation of new scales.
Proposing theoretical and practical model solutions for educational problems.
The journal also includes scientific studies on topics outside formal education, such as lifelong learning and in-service training
The main title of the manuscript should be written in both Turkish and English on the first page. Both the Turkish and English titles should be in uppercase letters, bold, and in 12-point font size. The title should be short and meaningful, summarizing the aim of the study, the variables, and the population involved. Titles should be centered on the page and must not exceed 12 words. Words such as "ve" (and) and "ile" (with) in the Turkish title, and words such as "a," "an," "and," "of," "for," "with," etc., in the English title should be written in lowercase.
The Turkish abstract and English abstract should not exceed 150 words.
For better classification and easier indexing of the paper, 4-6 key terms should be defined.
In addition, a detailed summary (including the aim, method, findings, results, and discussion sections) of at least 500 words and no more than 750 words (up to 2 pages following the writing rules) should be prepared. In Turkish articles, the detailed summary should be in English, and in English articles, the detailed summary should be in Turkish. The detailed summary should be placed after the "References" section in the article.
The titles of tables and figures should be placed under the tables and figures. All tables and figures should be referenced in the text.
If there are any appendices that help to better understand the research, they should be placed after the references section
Attention of Authors:
The following files are mandatory for submission of candidate manuscripts to the Gazi Faculty of Education Journal:
Manuscript File: The manuscript should be prepared according to the journal’s template rules using programs such as Word, which allow editing and access.
Copyright Transfer Form: The form must be signed by all authors of the manuscript and uploaded to the system.
Plagiarism Check File: Detailed results from plagiarism detection programs must be uploaded to the system. According to the decision of our Editorial Board, the similarity rate must be below 20%.
Ethics Committee Approval Document: Following the changes made in the TR Index Journal Evaluation Criteria for 2020, "Ethics Committee Approval" is required for manuscripts. Starting from 21.02.2020, it is mandatory for all submitted manuscripts to upload the Ethics Committee Approval/Permission document.
TR Index Journal Evaluation Criteria, Article 8: "Research in all scientific fields, including social sciences, and studies on clinical and experimental human and animal subjects that require ethics committee approval, must obtain separate ethical approval, which should be specified and documented in the manuscript. In studies requiring ethics committee approval, information regarding the approval (committee name, date, and approval number) should be provided in the methods section, and also on the first/last page of the manuscript. In case reports, there must be information in the manuscript indicating that an informed consent form was signed."
Additionally, for studies that do not require Ethics Committee approval, the situation should be detailed in the "Notes to the Editor" section.
Gazi University Journal of Gazi Educational Faculty (GUJGEF) does not charge any fees from authors or readers who wish to access the authors' works.